Keep doing what you are doing, and you'll keep getting what you are getting - If you want an extraordinary life, change what you are doing.
Whatever life has thrown at you, whatever you face today - it's time to get over yourself, stop being the victim, stop co-signing your own bullshit, be accountable and start doing things differently.
Omiris One-2-One is the booster rocket to can get you into orbit - one week of intensive daily, personal coaching, practical actions, accountability and problem solving. One-2-One is the toolbox to build your future.
All One-2-One candidates will be coached personally by our founder, once completed, you also gain access to our Omiris Heroes social media groups, accountability partners and our network of ongoing support.
One-2-One is not for everybody, it's tough, demanding and also a lot of fun - we'll explore what you really want in life, how to plan for it and the habits you'll need to achieve it.
The final stage of One-2-One will be assitance in setting up and configuring your personalised Omiris v.2 at no additional charge (this is a limited time offer).
Omiris One-2-One is currently available for $2.995 - this represents a saving of over 40% on our standard corporate rate, we will also include 1 years Omiris v.2, ongoing personal support along with exclusive Omiris Hero only offers (Meet the Team, Residential Programs etc.).
I am ready to live an extraordinary life...
Buy Now!It's that time when you know the right action, yet you stop and listen to the voice of doubt.
Now it's time to break the wheel - Take Immeadiate Action - Omiris will be the guide, you, the hero. This story has only started and with One 2 One, together we will write the script.
Direct personal coaching via zoom for 1 hour, each day, for 7 days. Every journey starts with a single step, take yours today and begin your extraordinary life.
You are extraodinary, I believe in you and will show you how to believe in yourself by creating the habits and routines that will transform you life.
Omiris is focused on a simple goal - the development, growth and success of everybody who joins us. We are not the hero, we are not a quick fix to magic away your problems. We are simply here to assist you in opening a few more opportunities in life, closing some of the negative loops and feeling better about yourself.
If you already have an extraordinary life you know full well, you can only keep what you have by giving it away and helping others - reach out to us HERE and share what you've done, how you have created this amazing perspective and let's see if we can be a platform for you to help others.